"Due to very heavy traffic we're seeing as a result of interest in the Windows 7 Beta, we are adding some additional infrastructure support to the Microsoft.com properties before we post the public beta," Microsoft's Brandon LeBlanc wrote. "We want to ensure customers have the best possible experience when downloading the beta."
As of 4:55 PM, the main Windows 7 page was not showing a link to the beta. The TechNet page was also reporting that the beta had been delayed: "Thanks for your interest in the Windows 7 Beta," the site reads. "The volume has been phenomenal -- we're in the process of adding more servers to handle the demand. We're sorry for the delay and we'll re-post the Beta as soon as we can ensure a quality download experience.
It's for reasons like these that the BitTorrent protocol was invented. Why not let your customers share the bandwidth burden, Microsoft?
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